Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow. I saw our last post was on Dec. 11th. I'm so sorry. You know how it is this time of year. Christmas, company, and now three kids...I guess I've been a little busy. Well, as I catch my breath and begin a new year, I wanted to share some pictures with everyone. Maya is doing fabulous. Jason and I think she has adjusted the best out of all of us. The older two kids, Jason and I are still trying to get ourselves transitioned into a family of five. The honeymoon is over for Kora and Jackson. They do not want Maya touching their toys. And they've gotten really good at telling Maya "no, no." But they definitely still love her; looking so forward to seeing her each morning. It's sweet.

We are amazed by how well Maya is communicating and picking up English. She says close to 20 words to date, signs about 6 words, makes animal noises(imitates), and points and nods her head in appropriate situations. And she understands everything we say! I can't believe she wasn't exposed to English until she met us. Amazing isn't it?!

Here are some highlights from the past few weeks. Enjoy!

Maya in her Christmas dress

This was our Christmas card pic

Miss Personality

Looking all warm and snuggly


Maya loves her brother!

And sister!

Daddy and his kiddos

Christmas morning

Maya loving her babydoll from Coco and Papa Jack

Our little stinker!

Kora has always wanted a sister to match

Our first family photo...okay so it's not perfect...Jackson!, but at least we're all facing the camera :)


Steph said...

SO CUTE!!!!!Thanks for sharing all the pictures. Your family is beautiful. It has been such a blessing to see this all unfold!

Morgan said...

she is so adorable!

Hannah said...

Hi - I found your blog from Tracy's blog. Your kids are adorable, what are their ages? We brought our son home from Thailand in June 07. I also have a blog and hope you don't mind me popping and checking yours out.
congrats on a beautiful family.

Melanie said...

What a beautiful family!