Friday, November 16, 2007


Things are crazy around here. The house is destroyed trying to get everything up for Christmas. I have piles of "stuff" for our trip stacked in our bedroom. All the christmas presents have been bought and hidden(well enough I hope). And then there's the regular dishes in the sink and laundry piled high. I'm not complaining. I'm just realizing I haven't given much thought to the fact that we are leaving in 8 days for Thailand! To adopt a daughter! We'll have three kids! Yikes, am I ready for that? No time to think about it now. The Christmas tree must get lit. :)

1 comment:

TracyMcGal said...

I am in the same boat. Not leaving in a few days for Thailand but for vacation. We have Christmas stuff everywhere, dishes in the sink, laundry needing attention. We too will be going from 2 to 3 kiddos. I'll be watching ya to learn the ropes.

Tracy - Holt friend